

Created by Mazaza Games

Kavango is a beautiful, strategic and fast-paced board game that has captured the hearts of over 3,000 kickstarter backers. With simultaneous turns, satisfying tableau-building and tough decisions, Kavango's gameplay has been praised by board game reviewers. Created by Matt and Zara, while working on conservation in Botswana, Kavango is deeply thematic and is thoughtfully designed to be a modern and realistic view of conservation in southern Africa. With 160 beautifully unique species cards, 45 research cards, 10 conservation experts and 5 landscape boards, there is huge variability to reflect the incredible biodiversity of Kavango. Don't miss out on your chance to buy the exclusive Kickstarter Edition with all stretch goals included! 1-5 Players | 40-60 mins | 10yrs +

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Delivery Update!... And keep sharing your photos and your thoughts!
4 days ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 08:44:07 AM

Later this week we'll have an exciting launch of the how-to-play video by the wonderful Meeple University! And we'll send some more tips on playing your first game, storing the game, some photos, and a few things you've spotted while playing.

Please keep sharing your photos and tag us we absolutely love seeing them!
And please give us a rating, join the conversation and share your thoughts on boardgamegeek! Thank you to those of you who have already got involved and asked us some great questions.
Seeing your positivity and hearing from you really means more to us than you could know!

But for now... here's an update on where your games are...

Delivery Update 

Australia & New Zealand - You should have all received your games by now! Any issues, please send an email to [email protected]

UK + Ireland  - Most of you will have received your games by now. Any issues, please send an email to [email protected]

North America - the container has finally been released from customs! The ship arrived on the 9th August and was held in a queue at customs for a physical check for weeks.
Flying Cloud are our fulfilment provider and they will be working hard to get the games out for delivery early next week. The shipping confirmation emails will come from [email protected].
For the USA, our delivery provider varies from order to order based on weight and destination, but the majority of US orders will ship via USPS or UPS.
Canada orders will ship via DHL eCommerce. Those shipments will be shipped via a “duty paid” method, so that the packages arrive at their destination hassle-free.

Europe - the boat arrived on the 27th August, 12 days later than expected and we are currently waiting for customs clearance. We will update you with progress at customs and when the games arrive at the fulfilment hub.
Fulfilment Europe are our fulfilment provider, shipping notifications will come from their service desk address [email protected] and their main carrier is DHL.

Asia & Africa - VFI have begun their fulfilment in Asia. Deliveries in Africa are being transferred from VFI to Solarpop in a couple of weeks. We will update backers in Africa once Solarpop have received the shipment from VFI.

Thank you so much for your support!

Matt & Zara

Finally...Kavango is arriving!!!
24 days ago – Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 01:21:25 PM

Finally, after years of work, Kavango is out in the wild!! It has officially arrived with backers in Australia and New Zealand 🥳 We're so excited! It feels like a huge moment. 

Now Kavango has started arriving we can let you in on a secret...🤫 we've given each of you something special in your box. Every Kickstarter version has a Shiny Animal card! There are 11 Shiny Animals in total and we won't be printing them again. It's a special thank you to all our backers for believing in us 🥰 Let us know in the comments when you find yours and let's see how quickly we can get a full set! 

We love hearing from you all as you receive your copies of Kavango. Please keep sending us photos of you playing, unboxing and generally having fun - it really makes our heart sing to see people enjoying it! You can also tag us on instagram if you have an account ⭐️ 

Special mention to Brendan from New Zealand who has already done a cracking review on Board Game Geek! We loved reading his insights into the game and the conservation theme. His review also has a great title "Terraform your wonder meadow" - kudos all round, Brendan - check it out here: 

Shipping Update 

Australia & New Zealand - most of you should have received your games by now - woohoo! Any issues, please send an email to [email protected]

North America - the ship arrived on the 9th August. It's currently being held for a physical check at customs and should hopefully be released shortly. 

UK - the ship is arriving tomorrow on 15th August. Assuming there's no hold up at customs, the games should be out for delivery from the 23rd August. 

Europe - we are waiting from an update from the ship and it should arrive on 15th August. We're expecting it to be out for delivery a couple of weeks after that. 

Asia & Africa - this delivery is more complicated and is being delivered through our fulfilment partner VFI. We will update you as soon as we have concrete dates to share and are expecting delivery in early September.

Feel free to comment, message or email us if you have any questions 🤗

Thank you for all your support!
From a very excited Zara & Matt 🤩 


Quick Shipping Update!
about 2 months ago – Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 07:14:44 AM

Hi everyone,
Very quick update here to assure you that everything was loaded on ships a couple of weeks ago!
Here's a quick update by region:

UK shipment – departed on 5th July, ship expected to arrive 6th August, out for delivery around a couple of weeks later, allowing for delivery to the hub and time to clear customs.
North American Shipment – departed on 7th July, ship expected to arrive 9th August, out for delivery around a couple of weeks later, allowing for delivery to the hub and time to clear customs.
European Shipment – departed on 7th July, ship expected to arrive 15th August, out for delivery around a few weeks later, allowing for delivery to the hub and time to clear customs.
Australia/NZ Shipment – departed on 10th July, ship expected to arrive in early August, out for delivery around a few weeks later, allowing for delivery to the hub and time to clear customs.
Africa and Asia – shipping for Africa and Asia is done through VFI and works a little differently because there's smaller quantities going to lots of different places! We estimate backers to received their games in early/mid September.

Delivery Estimates

Backers in North America and UK will receive their games in mid/late August. 
Backers in Europe will receive their games in late August/early September. 
Backers in Africa, Australia/NZ and Asia will receive their games in early/mid September.

Delivery address

Addresses have now been locked so if anyone needs to change their delivery address, please email: [email protected]

Thanks again for your love and support!

All the best,

Matt & Zara

Shipping Update, How-to-play videos & UK Games Expo
3 months ago – Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 02:59:23 PM

Shipping Update

Some of you who we met at UK Games Expo will remember how excited we were that Kavango was due to be loaded onto ships the week after the Expo. Unfortunately, there have been some unforeseen delays which we want to explain to you fully so you understand the causes and our response. These delays have come in one by one so we have been waiting for each to pass before we can now give you a concrete update:

1. Factory printing/cutting errors
Although the mass-production-copies (MPCs) that we had at UK Game Expo were all good, there were some mistakes made in the factory to some Kickstarter standard copies of the game. Our MPCs were fine for both the standard and deluxe versions and the errors were spotted in the factory on a few copies of the standard game after we'd approved the MPCs. This was a surprise to us because our MPCs had been perfect and unfortunately, because of the way the fulfilment process works, we have to delay all shipments to correct these errors.

These were the issues:
(i) Kavango's player boards have a Z-fold. On some purple and blue landscape boards, the Z fold had been made in a different direction to the other boards (they had been cut the wrong way by mistake). We felt this mistake might ultimately lead to boards being accidentally folded the wrong way and damaged so we decided to get these boards re-printed.
(ii) The die line wasn't removed from the punchboard completion tokens in some standard versions which left a white outline and these have been re-printed too. 

We're committed to delivering the highest quality game and components to you which is why we took the decision to re-print the boards and completion tokens.

2. Add-ons were packaged incorrectly: 
Because we have so many wonderful backers, we are shipping all over the world to fulfilment hubs. We are sending games and add-ons based on backer orders to each of our fulfilment hubs. Unfortunately the t-shirts were packed by type, i.e. Oryx t-shirt, size S; Oryx t-shirt, size M rather than by where they were going. Consequently, all of the add-ons are being re-packed and re-sorted into the right shipping groups which we have been told will take a week to rectify. 

We know that this will be frustrating for you and it is incredibly frustrating for us when we have worked so hard to meet the timeline we set for delivery. Our manufacturer has, overall, been wonderful to work with and have ultimately produced a beautiful, high quality product, which is the most important thing. These hiccups were unforeseen and have delayed our timelines slightly.

These are our revised timelines:
Games and add-ons will be loaded onto ships on 26th June. We'll send links to the boats that they're travelling on as soon as we have them. 

Updated delivery estimates:

Backers in North America and Europe will receive their games in mid/late August. 
Backers in Africa, Australia and Asia will receive their games in early/mid September.

Delivery address

Addresses have now been locked so if anyone needs to change their delivery address, please email: [email protected]

How-to-play videos

We're excited that we're working with Good Time Society and Meeple University to develop how-to-play videos for Kavango. The Good Time Society video should be ready by the time Kavango arrives with you and if you prefer to learn rules via videos, we hope you enjoy watching it! 

UK Games Expo

UK Games Expo earlier this month was amazing. We hosted play-throughs with some finished copies of Kavango and the game received an overwhelmingly positive response. We met with lots of you who came by our stand to say hi and that was a real 'pinch-me' moment for us. This time last year when we were at UK Games Expo, we had no idea how much Kavango would grow from that point onwards. We wholeheartedly thank all of you for your support to make this happen. 
Here are some pictures from the weekend (and a couple of the box sleeve too!):

Thanks so much for all your support!
Matt & Zara

Last chance to update delivery details + Locking addresses on Tuesday May 21st + Shipping Timelines + Factory Photos + UK Games Expo
4 months ago – Tue, May 14, 2024 at 11:27:16 AM

Hi everyone,

We hope you are all having a great week. We are due to start shipping soon and this is your last chance to update your delivery details.

Last chance to update Delivery Details!

If you haven't entered your address or payment details for delivery, or if they have changed, please update them now to make sure you receive your copy of Kavango, we really don't want you to miss out!

If you have not filled out your BackerKit survey or are having trouble finding the email or link to view your order, you can check it by clicking here:

If you used your Apple ID to log in to Kickstarter, the BackerKit surveys will not be able to send to your Apple ID. If you have another email address that you prefer to use and haven't already had us update your order for you, please email us at [email protected]

BackerKit Locking Addresses on Tue 21st May

BackerKit will be locking delivery addresses on Tue 21st May so we can provide the information to our fulfilment hubs. If you need to update your address after 21st May, please email us at [email protected](note that we will not be able to change the country it is delivered to).

Shipping Timelines

There has been a slight delay in manufacturing but we still hope most of you will receive your games in July. We'll provide updated estimates in a couple of weeks when shipping begins. 

Most backers in North America and Europe will most likely receive their games in late-July and early August. Most backers in Africa, Australia and Asia will most likely receive their games in late-August.

The main reason for the small delay is that after receiving the Pre-production Copy (PPC) we noticed the paper stickers (an eco-friendly alternative to shrink-wrap) had caused some small damage to the box. We made the decision to replace the stickers with a card sleeve to protect the whole box, without adhesives. 

The sleeve offers better protection of the box and is still an eco-friendly and recyclable solution! We hope you understand and we are so grateful for your patience.

Factory Photos

Photos from the factory last week!

You can see the new sleeves for the boxes in the top photo. In the second you can see some of the player boards. But can you spot which other game sneaked into the factory's photos of Kavango?

The Mass production copies will be delivered to us next week and we'll send loads of photos in an update as soon as we have them!

UK Games Expo

We'll be at UK Games Expo! We'll be demo-ing Kavango at Zatu's stand 2-820 all weekend. Please come and say hello if you're at UKGE!

Thank you all so much for backing Kavango!